biobased white knife Solutions to common problems

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biobased white knife

In order to further improve the quality of biobased white knife, we strictly check the production and delivery of the products, develop the inspection standards for plastic parts and spray parts suitable for our company, and provide a scientific and objective method for appearance inspection. For defects that cannot be quantitatively indicated, the inspection standards and sealing methods formulated by the supply and demand parties shall be used to solve them. So, here are the solutions to the common problems of biobased white knives.

biobased white knife

biobased white knife Common forming defects and solution flow marks cause analysis:

1, mold temperature is too low

2. The injection speed and pressure are too low

3, the runner and gate size is too small

4. When filling flow occurs due to product structure

Solutions for accelerating over large flow marks biobased white knife Mold design:

1. Increase the size of the cooler well in the flow channel

2. Increase the size of the runner and gate

3, reduce the size of the main channel,

Process conditions of hot runner:

The reasons for addition are: melt collapse stain cause analysis: the gate is too small, the cavity where the adhesive enters is too thin, the flow rate of the adhesive is large, the cross-sectional area is small, the shear speed is large, the shear stress is increased, the adhesive is broken, and the fog phenomenon often occurs. In the Moldflow simulation, it is possible to predict the temperature, shear rate, shear stress of the molten rubber through the above narrow area. Moldflow generally provides the temperature, shear rate and upper limit of shear stress for various plastic materials. Moldflow engineers can make adjustments based on the analysis results to find the right gate size and rubber cavity wall thickness to eliminate blurring.

The air or carbide is radially distributed on the surface of the product along the direction of flow. Causes of silver stripes:

1. The moisture content in raw materials is too high

2, there is air in the raw material

3, polymer decomposition: the material is contaminated; The cylinder temperature is too high; Silver solution material: Before injection molding, dry raw material mold design according to the data provided by the raw material manufacturer:

Check if there are enough exhaust positions for the molding process:

1, choose the right injection molding machine and mold

2, when switching between materials, polish the old material clean

3, improve the exhaust system, reduce the melting temperature, injection pressure or injection speed.

Analysis of causes of indentation:

1. The injection pressure or holding pressure is too low

2, the holding time or cooling time is too short

3, melting temperature or mold temperature is too high

4, plastic parts structure design improper dent solution

Structure design:

2, the structural design of plastic parts to minimize the wall diameter ratio, the adjacent wall thickness ratio is controlled at 1.5~

2, try to smooth the transition

3. Redesign the forming process of reinforcing bars and sinking holes, which are generally 40-80% of the basic wall thickness:

The above is the biobased white knife common problem solution. For more information, please feel free to contact us! Our company has many years of experience and is always looking forward to your joining.

biobased white knife
