Introduction to the operation flow of high quality tea plucking machine

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high quality tea plucking machine

high quality tea plucking machine Check before starting

1. Check whether the lithium battery of the high quality tea plucking machine is charged and sufficient.

2. Check whether the blade is normal, if it is not normal, be sure to replace it with a sharp blade, rather than using an abnormal blade.

3. Make sure that there are no idle people in the vicinity of the operation, and then start the high quality tea plucking machine.

4. When starting the high quality tea plucking machine, the bar should be quickly and smoothly gripped to avoid loss of control due to vibration.

5. Before starting the high quality tea plucking machine, it must be determined that the knife is not in contact with other objects, that is, it is suspended.

6. If the parts are broken, replace the parts which must be provided by the original shipper.

7. Check whether the links are tight.

high quality tea plucking machine Common problems

If the device vibrates abnormally during actual operation, stop using the high quality tea plucking machine immediately, turn off the power switch first, and check it after it stops rotating completely.

The operation requires two hands to use, so that it is more stable, and single-handed operation is strictly prohibited (of course, except for single-handed high quality tea plucking machine, there are single-handed models).

When using, we must pay attention to the power problem of the lithium battery, if the power is insufficient when running, it can not be continued to use, which will make the lithium battery overdischarge, which will affect the efficiency and performance.

high quality tea plucking machine operation

According to the direction of rotation, the clockwise operation can speed up the efficiency.

Special attention should be paid to the actual operation of high quality tea plucking machine

1. Wrap or store the knife after use to avoid accidental injury to others or themselves.

2. The long-term operation will make the lithium battery supporting the high quality tea plucking machine heat up to a certain extent, and it can be stored after the heat drops during storage.

3. Store high quality tea plucking machine in a dry environment. Do not touch children.

4. It can be lubricated with some butter after a period of time.

5. If the tool head is rusty and not used for a long time, butter can be rubbed on the tool head. If it is very serious, it is recommended to replace the cutter head.

6. After use, the knife tip should be placed in a place that children cannot reach.

high quality tea plucking machine
